Energy Analysis and Indoor Air Quality

Energy Analysis and Indoor Air Quality

Energy Analysis

At Simes & Rosch Engineering, our business is energy. Every project we deliver involves an analysis of energy. Whether we are designing a new system, specifying upgrades or conducting a survey of existing conditions to identify opportunities for improved efficiency, the most common thread in any project we deliver is energy. 

Energy Audits.  Energy audits range from preliminary surveys to investment grade audits analyzing building systems and detailed energy savings utilizing hourly, site-specific weather data. GEI can provide building energy audits ranging from preliminary surveys to investment grade audits. Most facilities have areas that are functioning for purposes different than they were intended when their HVAC systems were designed. In addition, many facilities have HVAC systems that have never performed as intended or have older HVAC equipment that is inefficient. GEI’s investigative audits help to identify problem areas and develop solutions that work.

Client Benefits

  • Thorough building analysis
  • Increased understanding of building energy consumption
  • Identification of current system deficiencies
  • Development of list of recommended energy conservation measures (ECMs)

Building Energy Modeling.  Following a building energy audit, GEI can use the collected information to model your facilities. We use current and past utility bills and/or onsite data logging to capture actual operational costs and calibrate our electronic models to the actual consumption of your facilities. This data can then be used to analyze different types of systems to find the most efficient energy solutions for your facilities. We analyze building systems and calculate detailed energy savings utilizing hourly, site-specific weather data. GEI uses a variety of modeling software packages such as Trace 700, Carrier HAP, and eQUEST.

Client Benefits

• Attain a calibrated building energy model to utilize as an ongoing tool to analyze energy consumption impact of new improvements, additions, or modifications to the building and/or the building’s systems
• Develop more accurate system operation strategies.
• Compare existing system operational costs to alternative systems operational costs
• Calculate annual and lifecycle energy and cost savings for proposed ECM’s (Energy Conservation Measures)

Life Cycle Cost Analysis.  With a full Building Energy Model, GEI can calculate the lifecycle cost of a proposed system to eliminate the guesswork in what it will actually cost our clients to operate a building over it’s life. This allows true ROI calculations to be made for intelligent business decisions.

Client Benefits

• ROI calculations allow for proper system decisions to be made
• True system lifetime operating costs are obtained

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) deals with the health and comfort of the air inside buildings. The IAQ may be compromised by microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria), chemicals, allergens, or other contaminants that can affect the heath of people or animals. Often the perception is that outdoor air is polluted, but indoor air is acceptable. Many studies and experience show that this isn’t always the case.

Acceptable indoor air quality is the quality of air within a residence or work area, where the concentrations of unwanted gases or particulates are so low they will not adversely affect the health or comfort of the occupants. Poor indoor air quality occurs when gases or particles are present in quantities that would present a risk to the health of occupants or otherwise make it uncomfortable to occupy the premises. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 30% of all commercial buildings have significant indoor air quality problems. Sadly, with modern day construction practices, residential properties are built to prevent the intrusion of all fresh air from the outside environment allowing contaminants to accumulate in the air to levels that cause discomfort, respiratory distress or illness.

Simes & Rosch Engineering IAQ Testing engineers can survey your home or work area, recommend appropriate testing, provide analysis and in most cases identify the contaminant and source of the problem including: Fungi (molds & yeasts), Bacteria, Bioaerosols, Combustion gases, Endotoxins, Mycotoxins, Indoor Allergens, Asbestos, Silica, Formaldehyde (from new wood, furniture) PCH from new carpets, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Pesticides, Herbicides, RADON and other Indoor Air Quality Contaminations.

Indoor air quality is affected by the presence of various types of contaminants present in the air. Some air contaminants are in the form of gases. These indoor air contaminants are classified as toxic chemicals. The toxic chemicals include combustion products (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen), RADON, VOCs (household solvents, paint solvents and thinners, gasoline and fuel oil vapors, perfumes and fragrances, etc.), semi-volatile organic compounds, pesticides and herbicides. Other air pollutants are found in the form of particulates such as dust, asbestos, soot, and particles from building materials and furnishings, such as fiberglass, gypsum powder, paper dust, lint from clothing, carpet fibers, etc. Bioaerosols frequently found in the air include mold spores, mushroom spores, pollen, bacteria, insect parts, animal dander, cockroach and rat allergens, dust mites, etc. All of these can adversely affect indoor air quality.

To ensure indoor air quality control it is necessary first to determine the source of the problem. Simes & Rosch Engineering measures, monitors and analyzes the toughest indoor air quality problems then provides you with cost effective solutions to remedy the problem.

Simes & Rosch Engineering is the technical resources to solve any indoor air quality problem that may have.